Welcome to City of York Athletics Club
City of York AC is a local grassroots Athletic Club catering for beginner and elite athletes, newcomers and veterans alike. We offer quality and friendly coaching in a supportive environment providing opportunities for all participants to try all track and field events as well as road, cross country, trail and fell running. We have an established disability athletes group and run weekly athletics training sessions in York to cater for all ages from School Year 6 for all levels of ability.

Early season events at York
Sunday 14 April
Details below, entry on City of York AC Meets – CoYAC Meet page with dates, timetables, entry and results (cityofyorkathleticsclubmeets.com)
Wednesday 1 May
Evening Event, distance and throws. Details and entry on www.race-results.co.uk
Monday 6 May
Combined Events and single track events. (details attached) entry on www.race-results.co.uk
The data privacy policy is available on the Club’s Governance page. The policy was last updated in July 2020 in accordance with UK Government guidance.